Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Help! I sleep too late probably cause of my depression/anxiety, need to wake up easier?

I think I have a sleep disorder known as "Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome" I can get up early just fine when I have to work or have another commitment to go to no matter how late I go to bed the night before. But I'm really mad at myself because I can't get up early for the heck of it. I would like to wake up earlier for no reason so that I can be more productive. When nothing goes on, I don't fall asleep until after 3:00am and don't get up until after 2:00pm the next day--this makes a bad person and I'm doing what I can to change it. I'm so angry at myself. What I've been doing so far is taking Melatonin pills so that I can fall asleep earlier and set my alarm for 9:00am. I read this article by Steve Pavlina on how to be an early riser and the trick is to go to bed when you're absolutely dead tired and wake up at a fixed time. So, with taking that advice, for the past two days, with the Melatonin hoping it would make me sleepy, I went to bed around 2:00am but just tossed and turned and layed their. Yesterday, I managed to get up around 9:00 am and I felt really moody, depressed, nervous, and had a crying spell. Today I got up again, but then just went back to bed cause I felt like a zombie. Because of that I kicked my own @$$ and looked in the mirror and called myself a loser cause I was so mad at myself for doing that. I really want to get my sleep cycle back on track so I can be more productive without feeling like I could shoot myself. Do I need to give this more time and stop being so hard on myself?

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