Friday, August 12, 2011

What the hell is going on?!?

My sister had a baby on June 17, she lost alot of blood but refused a blood transfusion. Jump forward a month on July 20 shes been having constant pain in her right side near her ribs that shoots around to her back. She then had extreme pain which caused her to stop breathing, faint, incoherent, disoriented and full body sweat. The ambulance was called and she was put in the hospital for 3 days given many tests which EVERYTHING came back normal. She was also given blood transfusions of 3 units which should give you 10 points per unit but her hemoglobin only went up 15. No blood clots her found. After being sent home she then had another episode worse then the first on Saturday night ambulance was again called. She is now having the episodes every half hours. Has anyone ever endured this or have a clue what is going on because the hospital and doctors are at a loss.

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